It’s been damn near 30 years now since they took it all. Yours truly happened to be at a sports bar on Saturday night, 1989 in Addison TX when it was announced that the new cowboys owner had fired Tom Landry. A lot of us knew it was time for new blood, most of us had been following the cowboys since childhood and had fond memories of hanging with dad during the game and cheering them on.
Year one, 1989, of the new regime went 1-15 and got a proper NFL welcome to the club that year. The next year, 1990, 7-9 but there were flashes of excitement, then came 1991, 11-5, playoffs, and lost divisional to the Detroit Lions. Then it got real, 1992, 1993 Superbowl champs. But the owner could not stand the fact that the head coach was getting the red carpet treatment and the owner, well, he loves him some owner, and crowned himself the GM, quit dancing with the one that “brung” him and it began to crumble.
Yep, the owner fired the head coach and brought in a coach that took the team almost all the way in 1995 buy using the first coaches players and managed to use those same players to make it all the way in 1996. This coach moved on and then it became new coaches and quarterback roulette around here and still is pretty much that way today with the owner chasing the ghost, always scheming and dreaming of a way to prove that he can be a football genius when he’s better suited being the proverbial Monday morning armchair QB.
Most lifetime fans understand just like they did back in 1989 that it’s time for new blood, time for the owner to stop making monuments to himself and let someone who wants the fans to be happy takeover and win some real football.