First World Problems

KOIMHO Leave a Comment

It’s fairly early on a semi cool morning so the coffee is going down really well and as usual in the quiet hours before the rest of the world has arisen to do what it does my mind is wandering all over the place and I happened to focus on the hot topic of the season, politics.

I try and stay out of the way because most have their minds made up, and some against their own self interest, will only vote for their jersey of choice, red or blue. We all like to think that those willing to jump into the oft called swamp are really interested in doing mankind a big favor and only have the best of intentions and in the beginning perhaps they do.

It’s only after awhile that being jaded starts to take hold and the curiosity of what’s in the cookie jar in the corner starts to overwhelm even the most passionate of beings and they take a peek. Wow! that’s a lot of money and even better it’s taxpayer money so the cookie jar keeps getting refilled nonstop.

Come on, it’s just a little; who’s gonna’ know? Afterall, everyone here is doing it and since the taxpayers are a hardworking lot or at least a small majority are the jar is always full, so much so that it spills out a little so who cares if we snatch up the rest and that eventually turns into a midnight snack to full on gluttony.

Kind of like speeding on the freeway, it’s easier if we all do it, even begins to feel okay and soon becomes the norm until you see the flashing lights behind you. I was just keeping up with traffic, doing what everyone else is doing even though you know it’s wrong you can’t help yourself.

Feels like the only solution is to bring in a non politician, someone who doesn’t need the money but that’s sure going to make the cookie jar, 90mph on two wheels addicted furious if he gets in the way; don’t you think?

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